Aug 31st, 2015
- Spawnunit unit province id - A unit appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province. Suppress num - Adds suppression points to your country.
- See full list on
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Vic 2 Province Map
- country_event = {
- title = 'Cheat Menu'
- desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- country_event = 2
- option = {
- country_event = 3
- option = {
- country_event = 4
- option = {
- country_event = 5
- option = {
- country_event = 6
- option = {
- country_event = 7
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Rebels'
- picture = 'riot'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- any_pop = {
- militancy = -200
- remove_country_modifier = rebels
- name = no_rebels
- }
- option = {
- any_pop = {
- militancy = 200
- remove_country_modifier = no_rebels
- name = rebels
- }
- option = {
- remove_country_modifier = rebels
- }
- # Money, Gold and Liferating
- id = 3
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Gold in all Provinces'
- trade_goods = precious_metal
- }
- name = 'Extra Cash'
- }
- name = 'Increase Liferating'
- life_rating = 100
- }
- # Research and Literacy
- id = 4
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Add Research Points'
- }
- name = 'Increase Literacy'
- literacy = 100
- }
- # Ideology, State Form and National Value
- id = 5
- title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value'
- name = 'Ideology'
- }
- name = 'State Form'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Order'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Liberty'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Equality'
- }
- # Population
- id = 6
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)'
- limit = {
- is_accepted_culture = no
- reduce_pop = 0.0
- }
- name = 'Adjust Foreigners.'
- name = adjust
- }
- option = {
- any_owned = {
- name = breed
- }
- }
- name = 'Normal'
- any_owned = {
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores'
- picture = 'treaty'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- country_event = 13
- option = {
- country_event = 19
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Ideology'
- picture = 'christ'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = reactionary
- }
- }
- name = 'Conservative'
- ideology = conservative
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = liberal
- }
- }
- name = 'Anarcho-Liberal'
- ideology = anarcho_liberal
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = socialist
- }
- }
- name = 'Communist'
- ideology = communist
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = fascist
- }
- }
- # State Form
- id = 9
- desc = 'Choose a State Form'
- name = 'Absolute Monarchy'
- }
- name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism'
- }
- name = HMS Government'
- }
- name = 'a democracy!'
- }
- name = 'Fascist Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Presidential Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Order!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = absolute_monarchy
- government = fascist_dictatorship
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Liberty!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = democracy
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Equality!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = proletarian_dictatorship
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- # Celebrate!
- id = 13
- desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!'
- war = no
- NOT = {
- }
- prestige = 250
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Inspire our allies.'
- add_country_modifier = {
- duration = 730
- any_pop = {
- }
- limit = {
- }
- alliance_with = THIS
- relation = {
- value = 200
- }
- country_event = 14
- any_country = {
- NOT = {
- }
- }
- who = THIS
- }
- any_country = {
- NOT = {
- is_greater_power = yes
- alliance_with = THIS
- country_event = 15
- }
- option = {
- prestige = 10
- name = happy
- }
- militancy = -5
- }
- # Join supporters
- id = 14
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.'
- name = 'Lets see their response.'
- limit = {
- }
- }
- # Extra Influence
- id = 15
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?'
- name = 'No.'
- name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.'
- militancy = -1
- any_country = {
- diplomatic_influence = {
- value = 25
- relation = {
- value = 25
- }
- # Join?
- id = 16
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?'
- name = 'Ofcourse!'
- limit = {
- }
- any_owned = {
- }
- }
- name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.'
- badboy = -5
- limit = {
- }
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Sign the treaty?'
- desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.'
- name = 'Very well then.'
- inherit = THIS
- ai_chance = {
- }
- name = 'Never!'
- casus_belli = {
- type = annex_core_country
- }
- name = no_join
- }
- who = FROM
- }
- militancy = 3
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant'
- desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.'
- name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.'
- name = no_join
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'New Borders?'
- desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.'
- war = no
- has_country_modifier = border
- }
- mean_time_to_happen = {
- }
- option = {
- prestige = 10
- paper = -5
- name = border
- }
- add_core = THIS
- any_country = {
- vassal_of = THIS
- any_owned = {
- }
- any_country = {
- AND = {
- NOT = {
- }
- }
- remove_core = THIS
- }
- name = 'Keep the old ones.'
- name = border
- }
- }
- put this inside events folder and name it something.
- then this one you put inside event modifiers or something
- no_rebels = {
- pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2
- }
- rebels = {
- pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2
- }
- adjust = {
- immigrant_attract = -1000
- }
- breed = {
- global_population_growth = 0.003
- }
- happy = {
- }
- no_join = {
- }
- border = {
- }
- famous = {
- }
- not_famous = {
- }