Sometimes, we need to call the Standard Table display (SE16) from our report program. In option of this we can create a Small ALV program using the Tutorials > SALV Table Display .
To call the Standard Table display, we can Submit the underlying program from our report. SAP creates a table dispaly report for all the database tables which can be viewed using the SE16. So, We can find that program name and Submit the program to call the Standard Table Display. This option does not seem to be the easiet way, as we have to find the underlying report name to call the SE16.
To call any SAP Tcode from within program when a user chooses any menu options or selects any button on the GUI we use CALL TRANSACTION 'XXXX' in the program. An alternative to this SAP provides a standard FM 'ABAP4CALLTRANSACTION' which can be used as an alternative to CALL TRANSACTION statement where we have the. Jan 06, 2009 Design the workflow having a simple Decision step and in the program exits tab include the class ZCLPROGRAMEXITWORKFLOW Activate and execute the workflow. An entry is made in the table but the WIEXECUTED field will not have any value. Now execute the work item from the SAP inbox (SBWP). What are different type of tables in DDIC? What is text table? What is client dependent and client independent? What is data class? What is delivery class? What is primary index and secondary index? He is also the SAP Technical consultant currently working in Cognizant Technologies Pvt Ltd. He has done his MS in Software Engineering from VIT University, Vellore. He has expertise in the areas of SAP ABAP, Workflow, Odata and NetWeaver Gateway etc. Objects help to use the SAP standard functionality in workflows. ABAP Classes can also be used in workflows along with the business objects. Business Workflow explorer gives the overview of all the tasks. Workflow can also be used on Internet. This is especially useful for the managers, who might not be directly.
Let’s explore another option. Trasaction SE16 internally calls the function module RS_TABLE_LIST_CREATE to generate the output. Why not we also call that from our program to call the SE16.
Here is the code snippet to call the SE16 using above said FM:
Abap Submit And Return
It will generate an output somewhat like:
Disadvantages of SE16:
As we can see in the example code, instead of the Field name in the Selection Criteria table (T_SEL) we have to pass the Select Option name of the table selection screen. E.g. I1 for the Sales Document (VBELN) and I2 for the Creation Date (ERDAT). Sometimes, this Select-options may not present on the Selection screen when we call the SE16 and in that case we will not get the accurate result.
How To Call Workflow From Abap Program Sap File
So, we will explore on how to call SE16N for the Standard Table display.
To call any SAP Tcode from within program when a user chooses any menu options or selects any button on the GUI we use CALL TRANSACTION ‘XXXX’ in the program. An alternative to this SAP provides a standard FM ‘ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION’ which can be used as an alternative to CALL TRANSACTION statement where we have the authority check for the user and a lot more variants to the CALL TRANSATION statement exists.
Test the FM.
Abap Call Https
Provide the transaction code name and execute.
How To Call Workflow From Abap Program Sap System
So here it calls the Transaction .