Debian Perl Dbd Mysql Install Linux

The Simple Way - Installation of Pre-Built Packages

Debian install perl module

Next I tried to install all the perl modules I need to write Perl scripts to access my mysql database. I started a 'sudo -i' session from which I ran the 'cpanb' command. I successfully used cpan to install the DBI module. However when I attempted to install the DBD::mysql module it failed. The last part of the output was as follows. DBD::mysql::INSTALL - How to install and configure DBD::mysql SYNOPSIS perl Makefile.PL options make make test make install DESCRIPTION This document describes the installation and configuration of DBD::mysql, the Perl DBI driver for the MySQL database. Jul 26, 2019 MySQL, the world's most popular open-source relational database management system is not available in the default Debian's repositories. This tutorial, explains how to install and secure MySQL on Debian 10 from the MySQL Apt Repository. Perl-DBD-mysql architectures: aarch64, armh, armv7hl, armv7hnl, i586, i686, x8664 perl-DBD-mysql linux packages: rpm ©2009-2020 - Packages Search for Linux and Unix.

Installation des RPM auf einem SuSE-Linux-Server
Vorbereiten der Datenbank für OTRS
OTRS installieren
Installation zusätzlicher Perl-Module
Installation von OTRS auf einem REd Hat Enterprise Linux oder CentOS-System
Preparation: Disable SELinux
Vorbereiten der Datenbank für OTRS
OTRS installieren
Installation zusätzlicher Perl-Module
Installation der Oracle-Datenbanktreiber auf Red Hat / CentOS
Installation von OTRS auf einem Debian- oder Ubuntu-System

If available for your platform you should use pre-built packages to installOTRS, since it is the simplest and most convenient method. You can findthem in the download area at following sections describe the installation of OTRS with a pre-built orbinary package on SUSE and Red Hat systems. Only if you are unable to usethe pre-built packages for some reason should you follow the manual process.

This section describes the installation of our RPM package on a SUSE Linuxserver.

You can use OTRS using different database back-ends:MySQL, PostgreSQL orOracle. The most popular database to deploy OTRSon is MySQL. This chapter shows the steps you need to take to configureMySQL on a SUSE-based server. Of course you can install the database on adedicated database server if needed for scalability or other purposes.


If you follow this chapter on openSUSE 12.3 and up you'll actually notinstall MySQL butMariaDB instead, a MySQL compatible fork of theMySQL code. This is no problem, it will work just as well (and even a littlebetter at some points).

Debian Perl Dbd Mysql Install Linux Ubuntu

Installieren Sie MySQL als root mit folgenden Befehl:

This will install MySQL with the default options on your system. You'll needto change the defaults in order to make it suitable for OTRS. With a texteditor open the file /etc/my.cnf and add followinglines under the [mysqld] section:


Please note that OTRS requires utf8 as database storage encoding.

Now execute systemctl restart mysql.service to re-startthe database server and activate these changes. Then run/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation and follow theon-screen instructions to set a database root password, remove anonymousaccess and remove the test database. Lastly, run systemctl enablemysql.service in order to make sure MySQL is automatically startedat server startup time.

Install OTRS with via the command line using zypper. Thiswill also pull in some dependencies such as the Apache web server and somePerl modules. Make sure you copied the OTRS RPM file to the currentdirectory.

Now restart Apache with the command systemctl restartapache2.service to load the configuration changes for OTRS.

OTRS needs more modules than can be installed via the package manager perdefault. You can post-install them manually. Running script located at/opt/otrs/bin/ will let you know which modules aremissing, and must or can be installed. Optional modules may include thoseneeded for communication with MDAs via IMAP(S) or gernerating PDF output.

On SLES you shoud add an external repository in order to get missingmodules. Choose the repository needed for your OS version from here: As an example, the repository for SLES 11 SP 3 would be added likethis:

On openSUSE 12.3 the extra repository is only needed for theMail::IMAPClient module, which you'd only need if you need to collect mailsfrom an IMAP server secured with TLS. The corresponding line would look likethis:

The first time you use zypper after you added this repository, you will beprompted to add its key. Now you can install missing modules like below.

The next step is to configure OTRS using the web installer, as describedin this section.

Now you can start the OTRS daemon and activate corresponding watchdog cronjob (this must be done by the otrs user):

That's it, congratulations!

Installation von OTRS auf einem REd Hat Enterprise Linux oder CentOS-System

This section describes the installation of our RPM package on a Red HatEnterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS server.


If your system uses SELinux, you should disable it, otherwise OTRS will notwork correctly.

Here's how to disable SELinux for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora:

  • Configure SELINUX=disabled in the /etc/selinux/config file:

  • Reboot your system. After reboot, confirm that the getenforce commandreturns Disabled:

You can use OTRS using different database back-ends:MySQL, PostgreSQL orOracle. The most popular database to deploy OTRSon is MySQL. This chapter shows the steps you need to take to configureMySQL on a RHEL-based server. Of course you can install the database on adedicated database server if needed for scalability or other purposes.

Mysql Automated Install Debian

Install MySQL (or MariaDB) by executing the following command as root:

This will install MySQL with the default options on your system. You'll needto change the defaults in order to make it suitable for OTRS. With a texteditor create a new file /etc/my.cnf.d/zotrs.cnf withthe following content:

Now execute systemctl start mariadb to re-start thedatabase server and activate these changes. Then run/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation and follow theon-screen instructions to set a database root password, remove anonymousaccess and remove the test database.


Please note that OTRS requires utf8 as database storage encoding.

Debian Perl Dbd Mysql Install Linux Virtualbox

Install OTRS with via the command line using yum. Thiswill also pull in some dependencies such as the Apache web server and somePerl modules. Make sure you copied the OTRS RPM file to the currentdirectory.

Now restart Apache with the command systemctl restarthttpd.service to load the configuration changes for OTRS.

OTRS needs some more modules than can be installed by the RPM. You canpost-install them manually. You can check what modules you are missing byrunning the bin/ script located inthe /opt/otrs directory. Some modules are only neededfor optional functionality, such as communication with IMAP(S) servers orPDF generation. On Red Hat or CentOS we recommend installing these modulesfrom the EPEL repository, a repository maintained by the Fedora project,which provides high quality packages for RHEL and derivatives. Check formore information the EPELweb site.

If you're on RHEL 7 or CentOS 7, you can get the latest package for EPELfrom thissite. You can add this repository to yum it in one go by copyingthe RPM URL you find on this page and executing this command:

Wenn Sie yum das erste Mal ausgeführen, nachdem Sie das Repositoryhinzugefügt haben, werden Sie aufgefordert die Repository-Schlüsselhinzuzufügen. Nun können Sie fehlende Module, wie folgt installieren.

The next step is to configure OTRS using the web installer, as describedin this section.

Now you can start the OTRS daemon and activate corresponding watchdog cronjob (this must be done by the otrs user):

That's it, congratulations!

Installation der Oracle-Datenbanktreiber auf Red Hat / CentOS

If you want to deploy OTRS on an Oracle database, you'll need to compile andinstall the DBD::Oracle database driver. This isslightly more complicated than installing any of the other packages; this isbecause Oracle is a proprietary database and Red Hat nor the CentOS projectare allowed to distribute drivers in their RPM repositories.

First of all, we'd need to install gcc,make and CPAN so wecan compile and install the driver. Below you see the command on CentOS; onother versions it might look a little different.

The next step is to obtain and install the database client. For this youwould need to sign up for a free account at the Oracle website. You candownload the drivers from this page: choose the Linux x86 or x86-64 version corresponding to thearchitecture of your system. You can check this with the uname-i. It is either 'x86_64' for x86-64 or 'i386' for x86. Youshould download the packages 'Instant Client Package - Basic', 'InstantClient Package - SQL*Plus', and 'Instant Client Package - SDK'. Save them toa location on your disk. Now as the root user you can install the packagesusing the following command:

After this you should set two environment variables and compile theDBD::Oracle driver. Again, perform these tasks as the root user. The stepsare outlined below. Please note that for briefness some lines outputted bythe commands have been removed.

Now you should edit the file Kernel/ toprovide ORACLE_HOME. The next step is to configure OTRS using the webinstaller, as described in thissection.


Please note that OTRS requires utf8 as database storage encoding.

Installation von OTRS auf einem Debian- oder Ubuntu-System


Please install OTRS fromsource, and do not use the OTRS packages that Debian/Ubuntu provides.

The installation of required Perl modules is easier if you use the availablepackages: